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Gut Health

Quite literally, your gut is the epicentre of your mental and physical health. If you want better immunity, efficient digestion, improved clarity and balance, focus on rebuilding your gut health.

- Kris Carr

New York Times best - selling author, wellness activist and cancer survivor

Four Factors that have scientifically impacted the body's gut flora:

An increase in the consumption of industrialised foods

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  • The Mannitol Test
  • The Blood Zonulin Test
  • Whole Exome
  • HeartSmart (IMT)
The widespread use of antibiotics

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  • The Mannitol Test
  • The Blood Zonulin Test
  • Whole Exome
  • HeartSmart (IMT)
C-Section deliveries

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  • The Mannitol Test
  • The Blood Zonulin Test
  • Whole Exome
  • HeartSmart (IMT)
A lack of breastfeeding

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  • The Mannitol Test
  • The Blood Zonulin Test
  • Whole Exome
  • HeartSmart (IMT)

How is Gut Health linked to our Immune System?

Gut health is almost as important for the overall physical and mental well – being of the human body as the heart or the brain, and yet, its role in keeping up the immune system is generally undervalued. Being the ‘first line of defence’ between the body and the outside world, its unique, and quite miraculous, gut flora has many jobs:

  • It strengthens the physical defences of the gut wall
  • It controls inflammation processes and the response of the immune system towards the same, and
  • It produces various antimicrobial substances.

How to identify a ‘Leaky Gut Syndrome’?

Physicians don’t know enough about the gut, which is our biggest immune system organ. From an MD’s standpoint, it’s a very grey area.

- Donald Kirkby

Gastroenterologist MD, Director of the Centre for Human Nutrition at the Cleveland Clinic, Ohio, USA

Leaky gut, also known as ‘intestinal permeability’, is a gastrointestinal disorder that causes a multitude of health issues, starting from migraines, eczema, hormonal imbalances, chronic fatigue, all the way to irritable bowel syndrome, a weak immune system, food allergies, rheumatoid and even arthritis. The root cause of leaky gut lies in the body’s inability to absorb essential nutrients through food, because damaged cells in the small intestines stop producing the relevant enzymes required for proper digestion. As a result, undigested food particles and bacteria start to ‘leak’ through the intestines and enter the blood stream.

    leaky gut identification

    According to Dr. Leo Galland, Director of the Foundation for Integrated Medicine, the following symptoms are potential symptoms of Leaky Gut Syndrome:

    • Chronic diarrhoea, constipation, gas, or bloating
    • Nutritional deficiencies
    • Poor immune system
    • Headaches, brain fog, and memory loss
    • Excessive fatigue
    • Skin rashes and problems such as acne, eczema or rosacea
    • Cravings for sugar or carbs
    • Arthritis or join pain
    • Depression, anxiety, ADD, ADHD
    • Autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, celiac disease or Crohn’s


    At Metabalance, we treat Gastrointestinal Diseases based on the following 4 ‘R’s:

    Remove – Foods and other factors that damage the gut

    Replace – With healing foods

    Repair – With healing supplements

    Rebalance – With probiotics

    At Metabalance, we have a unique gut repair program to heal the following gut disorders:

    Chronic Constipation

    Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

    Crohn’s Disease


    Food allergy identification, elimination & rebuilding the gut flora

    Food allergy identification, elimination & rebuilding the gut flora

    As food allergies and intolerances are on the rise, many people deal with the consequences of their bodies reacting to particular substances in their diets. The immune system identifies a danger, and triggers an instant protective response, which, depending on the severity of the reaction, can be low grade all the way to a life-threatening. Food allergy tests help us in identifying the foods that are harmful for our gut and overall health.



    By ejecting fluid into the lower bowel through the rectum, enemas have been used for centuries to treat constipation, bowel issues, and to cleanse the colon. The treatment’s benefits improve circulation, boost energy, cause weight loss and lead to the clearing of skin and detoxing the liver.

    Colon Hydrotherapy

    Colon Hydrotherapy

    Colon Hydrotherapy is an effective and gentle way to instantly feel rejuvenated and energised. During the treatment, the colon is rinsed with warm water in order to remove any gas, mucus or encrusted fecal matter. In the long term, regular colonics can also support in the re-toning and re-sharping of the colon.

    PEMF Therapy

    Developed and tested in Germany, PEMF therapy is an innovative device that painlessly stimulates the body’s fluids, organs, tissue, and cells and, as a result, jump starts cellular activities. As humans are electromagnetic beings and therefore receptive to electromagnetic vibrations, PEMF therapy heals through a highly focused pulsed electromagnetic field, with great results.

    PEMF therapy helps Metabalance clients to:

    • Naturally re-balance the body’s hormone levels
    • Fight infections and inflammations
    • Improve one’s overall mood
    • Correct cellular dysfunction and balance cells
    • Increase collagen and ATP protein in cells, balances hormones and energies, resulting in a younger and more youthful appearance
    • Reduce side effects and improve the quality of life for clients who undergo chemotherapy or radiation
    • Rebalance the autonomic nervous system and increase harmony between the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous system, therefore especially helping patients recovering from a stroke, and patients with neurological & circulatory disorders
    • Reduce skin conditions such as eczema and allergies
    Personalised Nutrition Program

    Personalised Nutrition Program

    Personalised Nutrition Program – Each body is unique, and therefore, each diet needs to follow a customised pattern of nutritional requirements, keeping genetical, physiological, environmental and lifestyle factors in mind. With a nutrition program based on the principles of The Metabalance Way, our clients simply eat themselves back to good health.